

Kodlama, ilkokul, eğitim


Algorithm, which is considered the basis of coding; It is the logical, sequential expression of all the operations needed to solve a problem or a problem. With coding training, students; It is predicted that they will be design-oriented individuals who think analytically, dream, notice details, establish cause and effect relationships and think algorithmically. In this study, a path from the known to the unknown and from the easy to the difficult was followed, based on the experiences of primary school students in the concrete operations period in a structured process. It is aimed to ensure that they learn the basis of coding (algorithm) by doing and experiencing it and to develop an interest in this field. The research is a qualitative study conducted according to the case study design. The study group of the research consists of 8 students (2 girls, 6 boys) in the 3rd and 4th grades of a primary school in the 19 Mayıs district of Samsun province in the 2018-19 academic year. Semi-structured interviews, observation notes and video recordings were used as data collection tools. These data were subjected to content analysis. It was observed that the students were not able to observe in detail the stages of the process that constitutes a step-taking movement involving an algorithm and analyze them respectively. Based on the literature review, a teaching process that students can see, touch and experience concretely was designed, educational toys were provided and case studies that required solutions were prepared. Students were given problem situations and asked to prepare solution steps (algorithms), and the solution steps were easily translated into code language with Idea software with a Turkish interface. At the end of the study, students; It has been observed that they realize that not only robotic systems and technology, but also every system that makes our lives easier contains an algorithm.


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How to Cite

GÜMÜŞ, F. (2024). A CASE STUDY FOR THE PROCESS TO BE FOLLOWED IN CODING EDUCATION IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS; “HELLO TO THE ROBOTIC WORLD!”. Ulusal Toplum Ve Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(2), 34–46. Retrieved from https://ulusalteb.com/index.php/pub/article/view/8




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