Socio-Economically, Disadvantaged Students, SuccessAbstract
The teacher's contributions to successful students include providing guidance, increasing motivation, providing reference books, taking care in class, speaking, gaining regular, planned study habits, taking care outside of class, individual study, ensuring that they read books, reinforcing positive behaviors, sharing their problems, making them feel loved in the school environment, having fun. It is seen that creating an educational environment, giving the value it deserves, and benefiting from the teacher-parent relationship. According to the parents of successful students, the way they study is regularly, planned, programmed, using time, doing their homework, repeating, being quiet, concentrating on the lesson, solving questions, coming to the lesson prepared, taking notes, reading books, with family support, listening to music in a suitable study environment, It can be seen that a lot of work has been done, with a sense of responsibility, by summarizing and explaining. In the absence of a student's mother, father or both, there should be at least one person who cares about him/her and has a supportive attitude in terms of education, a suitable study environment should be provided, the habit of reading books should be given, and care should be taken by making him/her feel loved. Students who are in economic difficulties should be supported financially and morally, their environmental opportunities should be challenged, and they should be directed to take scholarship exams. Teachers and parents should ensure that students with poor socio-economic conditions understand and accept their current situation, and they should be encouraged to build a better future by using their current situation as a motivation tool.
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