Erasmus+KA122, Erasmus+KA210, Proje, Eğitimde İnavosyonAbstract
This study examines the contributions of Erasmus+ KA122 and KA210 projects to primary and secondary education and aims to analyze their impacts on teachers and students. Erasmus+ KA122 projects support short-term mobility for students and teachers, offering opportunities for intercultural interaction, language skill development, and professional growth. On the other hand, Erasmus+ KA210 projects focus on fostering innovative and inclusive approaches through smaller-scale partnerships. The benefits provided to students by these projects include academic achievement, the development of critical thinking skills, cultural advancement, and the acquisition of an international perspective. For teachers, Erasmus+ projects contribute to their professional development, offering opportunities to learn and implement innovative pedagogical approaches. These projects also help educational institutions enhance their international collaborations, thereby strengthening their capacities in contemporary education areas such as digitalization, environmental sustainability, and innovation. Through Erasmus+ projects, students who engage with different cultures develop their social skills, while teachers integrate innovative teaching methods into their classrooms and curricula. Moreover, the digital materials and educational tools developed within the scope of these projects create an inclusive and accessible learning environment. The opportunities offered to disadvantaged groups significantly improve the quality of education for these students. This study employs qualitative research design. Data was collected from 10 teachers using a structured interview form and analyzed through thematic analysis. During the thematic analysis process, the interview data were carefully coded, prominent themes were identified, and the relationships between these themes were explored. The analysis process was conducted using both descriptive and interpretative approaches, allowing for an in-depth examination of teachers’ perspectives. The findings were interpreted in line with the study’s objectives and supported by existing literature. According to the findings of the study, Erasmus+ KA122 and KA210 projects have been shown to make significant contributions across various domains, including the professional development of teachers, the social and academic skills of students, innovation and digital transformation in education systems, and providing equal opportunities for disadvantaged groups. The results indicate that these projects effectively foster a global perspective among individuals, enhance cultural awareness, and promote the adoption of more inclusive approaches in education. Consistent with the literature, the findings also reveal that the projects contribute to both individual development and institutional capacity building.
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