Beyin temelli öğrenme, kuramsal, literatür incelemesiAbstract
In this study, it is aimed to examine brain-based learning in a theoretical context. While conducting this research, the source scanning method was used. The definition of brain-based learning, its function, where it is used, and its effect in different areas have been revealed. Brain-based learning in education includes pedagogical strategies designed to understand and mimic learning processes and natural learning mechanisms in the human brain. This approach uses knowledge from fields such as cognitive science, neuroscience, and educational psychology to help students learn more effectively. It focuses on strengthening students' attention, memory and problem-solving skills, and making learning more meaningful, effective and permanent is among the features of brain-based learning. According to the results obtained from the findings of the research; It has been revealed that brain-based learning is welcomed positively by teachers, students and parents. With brain-based learning; Research has revealed that students are more willing, they can perceive better, they gain a different perspective, their awareness of their brain increases, it can be used in different fields and interdisciplinary, its historical importance increases day by day, and the brain is more open to discovery.
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